What Do African Waist Beads Represent?

Ever wondered, what African waist beads represent? what they mean and why so many women across the globe choose to wear and incorporate waist beads into their daily fashion and beauty style routine?

For every women the reason for wearing waist beads varies and the factors for embracing this fashion lifestyle differs greatly.

However there are some common reasons women choose to accessories with African waist beads and here are the most common.

  1. Culture - A lot of African women view waist beads as part of their rich culture and wearing them allow a connection with their way of life creating a sense of belonging and community.

  2. Inheritance - in ancient times and even today waist beads were seen and are still seen as an important and valuable heirloom worthy of being passed down to younger women within females to help reinforce their value.

  3. Status - in many parts of the world waist beads are still viewed as a status symbol, helping seal a women position in society. Colours and designs indicated whether one was single, married or belonged to royalty.

  4. Trends - As with all jewellery trends, waist beads designs come and go. And with different seasons and fashion movements new shapes and colour combinations are introduce. Right now glow in the dark waist beads are a huge trend and a modern twist to the classic traditional African waist beads

  5. Weight Management - keeping track of your weight with waist beads is super easy. It is more of an art then a science. Wearing the beads around the waist prevents over eating and enables you to keep your desired size and shape.

  6. Confidence boosting - who doesnt feel amazing in their favourite combinations of waist beads? In our opinion they have the same confidence boosting effect as a million dollar diamond necklace!

  7. Feminine expression - At Waist Beads UK we understand that femininity can be expressed in so many ways. From wearing perfumes to applying feature enhancing colour cosmetics. In the same manner beads aids in the expression of femininity.

So now that we have shared these common reasons with you , we hope we have inspired you to think about what the wearing of waist beads means for you!


Red & Gold Waist Beads


Gold Crystal Glow in the Dark Waist Beads