The Waist Beads UK Guide to Self Care & Confidence

Self care and confidence go hand in hand, it it safe to say the way you treat yourself determines the way you show up and how confident you feel. Self care for everyone looks different and each person has their own aspirations of confidence.

Today the Waist Beads UK team are sharing with you our top self care and confidence building tips.

But first let us define in very simple terms what those two things mean.

SELF CARE - To priotise the health of your body, emotions and mind

CONFIDENCE - To have full trust in yourself and your capabilities

Now here are ten tips that we hope will help you in your self care confidence journey.

  1. Eat healthy nutritious foods and drink plenty of water. Gradually cut out overly processed foods and sugars if this has been a struggle for you. Ditch the fizzy sugary drinks and opt for herbal teas instead. Your hair nails and skins will thank you for it!

  2. Get moving - exercise is great not just for your body but also for your mind. Working out regularly whether it be cardio or weight lighting will do wonders for your muscles and bones. However a simple consistent walking routine can also help you achieve better mobility and lead to better mental clarity

  3. Ditch negative environments - You are not just what you eat, you are what you think as well. Stay away from negative media as much as possible and give yourself permission to shut out gossip and unfruitful conversations. What you allow into your mind will affect your life.

  4. Invest in a passion hobby - Is there something you’ve been wanting to learn for a long time? a skill you’ve yearned to gain but haven’t gotten round to? Perhaps you’ve wanted to lean how to crochet, or maybe you have always wanted to learn floral arranging. What is stopping you? Life is too short to be wishing, go ahead and make it happen!

  5. Get your beauty sleep - Yes sleep actually does make you beautiful. Research has show that during the night hours the human body regenerates and restores itself. Most cellular repair happens while we are sleeping. Research has also shown that men require 7 to 8 hours of sleep and women need 8 -10 hours of sleep. Do the math.

  6. Time Alone - Nothing says self care like some serious me time. Schedule in some time alone with yourself every now and them. Get away from the noise, the dishes and whatever hogs your attention and go for a quite walk, a movie date with yourself or a one week holiday.

  7. Buy yourself a gift - No need to wait for a special occasion or for someone else to to show their appreciation. Even if its just a small bottle of fragrance you are worth celebrating. So go ahead and love on yourself.

  8. De-clutter your environment - A messy disorganised space will negatively impact your creativity and productivity- If you haven’t done so already try to work towards having a space for everything so you don’t have to leave your belonging all over the place. If everything has a place you’ll have a neater space.

  9. Up level - Have you been wanting to switch up your style or upgrade your wardrobe? Here is your sign. Get yourself that new bag you have been wanting, book a styling session, invest in new waist beads or even a new hair cut.

  10. End that toxic relation - Most people think about romantic relationships when they hear the word toxic, but toxic relationships can include platonic friendships. Ending toxic relations doesn’t always mean you have to cut people of or block them it could mean simply ending the toxic dynamic of that relationship and putting healthy boundaries in place.

Check out the Waist Beads UK Blog for more tips, guides and how to’s


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