How Many Waist Beads Should I Wear?

How many African waist beads a girl wears is completely a matter of choice

However if you like to play by fashion rules then here are some number and colour combinations you may like to consider.

  1. A Single string of beads

    A single strand of wait beads works well and looks amazing when worn around the midriff or waistline. Especially more so when it is a shimmery colour like gold or silver.

  2. Three strings of waist beads

    Odd numbers will be your go to if you only like to wear the same colour waist beads. Think dark colours such as black, purple or navy blur waist beads.

  3. Six strings of waist beads

    Who doesn't love a great colour combo! If you like to wear two different waist bead colours or designs at the same time then go all out and wear six waist beads.


Red And Gold Honeycomb Waist Beads


Royal Blue And Gold Waist Beads