Facts About Waist Beads

If you’ve been a fan of of African waist beads for a minute but have always wondered, where they originated from and why they were created then you will enjoy learning the following facts about African waist beads.

  1. Waist beads are used as bridal adornment across different African cultures.

  2. African waist beads were ( and are still ) used to communicate social status and wealth

  3. Women wore different waist beads colours at different times of the month to signify whether they were on their feminine cycle or not.

  4. African waist beads are used to confirm womanhood and are often gifted to young girls at puberty.

  5. in some places waist beads are treated as heirloom and passed down from mother to daughter.

  6. Waist beads are included in bride dowries as a gift from the groom and his family to the bride.

  7. African waist beads originally were created using wood, stone, glass and even gold.

  8. Waist beads were used as currency and for the exchange of goods.

  9. African waist beads are used in royal traditions all over Africa

  10. Waist beads history spans hundreds of years and have been worn for over a thousand years.


Rainbow Honeycomb Waist Beads


Freedom Blue Waist Beads