Colours of May

Here at Waist Beads UK head quarters we are are currently taking fashion inspiration from spring flowers.

Daffodils, tulips, blossoms and chrysanthemums are springing up all around us in their vibrant display of glorious colours and we can't resist the creativity they invoke.

Next on our to do list is to add new waist bead colour combinations into our traditional African waist beads collection and the glow in the dark waist beads collections.

Tell us, what inspires you in this season and what are your go to fashion accessories as the days get warmer.

Click the links below to view Waist Beads UK Collections

Shop Traditional Waist Beads

Shop Glow In The Dark Waist Beads

Shop Waist Beads For Brides


Waist Beads UK Stocks at Black Pound Day


Hey, it's Already May!